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PostPosted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 8:47 am
by viziel
This joyous topic is another technical pain in the arse. But I want to bring it up, and see what the official word is, or perhaps discuss some ideas on how to fix it.

ISSUE: Time is referred to throughout the ICAR rules as being "days" "hours" etc,. This works good for those who live on planet Earth, but thats relative time! An hour differs from planet to planet! Time even slows when you orbit a planet, ever so slightly!

So, if you have all these different relative times; planet-side, orbital, Light Jump etc., how do you keep track of it?

A) Give up, use "HH:MM:SS" from "Earth" time... just to make it easier on users, though this will definately throw a wrench on those who understand how real space works.

B) Denote relative times for each planet. Noting the planets "Day" cycle. This solves relative time betwene planets but dosn't solve the problem over all. Characters would have to walk around and say "Im 23 Mars years old.." which will just get annoying.

C) Use a standard time cycle, such as the rotation of an electron around an element of carbon. (aka atomic time). This would be irrelevant from "Earth" time and would give a consistant platform for time. You are still subject to time-dialation!

Perhaps the idea of Quantum Time. Energy that can be measured beyond the influence of Spacetime. This would not be affected by spacetime dialation! Quantum time could be a true measurement of time itself.

The idea of Quantum Time could potentially work since Leptons are not affected by the Strong Force of Gravitions. This makes their quantum spin relative to spacetime and able to be measured. Thus if used centrally, could allow for a standardized spacetime measurement, perhaps perpetuated by Gaia (baring the concept of lag).

You'd also want to do away with any nomenclature like "day" "month" "year" as these are only earth terms. Some other arbitrary naming system would have to be used to keep consistant...

Re: SpaceTime

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:17 am
by Rob Lang
Have you got to page 49 yet?

Re: SpaceTime

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:48 am
by viziel
Yes, after posting I did get to that page. Still didn't like it...but I'm gonna re-read it.

Its a complicated matter and ICAR is a game so simplicity is essential. I just am interested in these things out of morbid curiosity I suppose!

Re: SpaceTime

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:20 am
by Rob Lang
Simplify. Just simplify. Sci Fi is complicated enough as it is. Gaia is used to synchronise all the clocks and there is a 40 hour day. Hours, mins and secs are exactly the same. I don't think you should ever change that because it's a reference point the players will find too hard to override. Fine in a Sci Fi novel, but not in a game world where regular people have to play.

Re: SpaceTime

PostPosted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:46 am
by viziel
Regular people? we ARE talking about gamers here right??