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Father Gregory - Character Thread

PostPosted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 11:55 pm
by koipond
My Name Is... Father Gregory Wilson.

And I Am... An ordained member of the Anglican clergy, serving as a curate.

What's Been Keeping Me Awake... The past twelve nights there have been moans and loud bangs coming from the Presbytery. Each night, without fail, Gregory has gone to check on the noise, with a flashlight in hand, yet each night he finds himself back in bed the following morning, not able to remember how he returned and still feeling like he hasn't slept a wink.

What Just Happened... Greg had just finished giving his Sunday morning sermon. It had been a standard affair, as Greg's mind hadn't really been in it. Seeing a pair of elderly ladies approach him - he knew the two well, as they had a love of offering their 'polite feedback' each week - Greg slipped out the back door to get a bit of fresh air. That's when he heard this strange noise again. Turning around, he opened the door and ran back in. Hardly noticing the strange looks he was getting from the parishioners, he sprinted across the room and into the sacristy, where the noise seemed to be coming from. As the door swung closed behind him, Greg quickly searched around the small room. After thirty seconds or so, he gave a resigned sigh and stepped back out into the main church, yet found himself entering an empty large, dark and dusty Gothic church, with the ceiling towering above him and huge stained windows to his side that had never existed before.

What's On The Surface... Greg has always been an intelligent, hard working man, praised for his thoughtful sermons, wise advice and insightful contributions to the local newspapers. Yet for all his wisdom, he's often thought of as distant, rarely letting anyone close to him. While he is happy to sit down and offer advice to those who seek it - and they often do - they are never left with a feeling of warmth from him. He's not overly physical, although does get a bit of exercise from attending the parish's gardens. Other wise he is a very well dressed and well spoken man.

What Lies Beneath... Really, Greg doesn't care. He gave up caring a good ten years ago, after a short time working in a prison hospital. Hearing some of the confessions, Greg saw what humanity was really capable of and simply stopped caring - caring about those around him, caring about himself or his job, even caring about this god he teaches people about. It all stopped mattering to him. Since leaving the prison hospital, Greg has lived day to day in depression - waking up in the morning with no will to get up; going about his daily activities with no real enthusiasm. Sleep was the only real break from the doldrums of life, yet now even that seems to be taken from him.

What's My Path... On the surface, Greg simply wants to work out what has been keeping him awake at night and fix it, then get back home and get some sleep. Although he won't admit it to himself, Greg really craves acceptance. Not so much acceptance by others, but more acceptance of himself. He wants to come to accept the world for what it is, and his place in it. Or at the very least, find a new place in it which he can accept.

Discipline: 3

Responses: Fight 1; Flight 2

Exhaustion Talent:

Madness Talent: