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is being brought into the world. Hence my absence as of late. Just letting you guys know I'm still around-ish, but don't expect much of me over the next few months. And, well, the infancy tends to take a lot of time and effort as well. So um, I'm a lurker, indefinitely.
Actually, he wasn't so much bouncing as flailing at the ultrasound. We woke him up, then he just flopped around irritably, turned the other way, and went back to sleep. Just like his mother, (who is holding up just fine). We're quite the nervous young couple at this point, but I'm sure it'll be fine. In a few years, he'll probably be joining us on the forums here.
Just a little update: I'm still very much alive and well here. The little lass is due anywhere between now and two weeks from now. I've been fiddling here and there with a low-fantasy wargame/roleplay hybrid project of mine, as a lot of the work going into it at this point is grunt work, and that is something I can do between store runs and household chores (the greater burden of which has been placed on myself, the lady of the house being about 160% her usual weight).
I've drawn much inspiration, knowledge and motivation from reading shortymonster's blog when considering the art of medieval warfare and how I want it depicted in my game, so thanks for that, buddy! The game isn't publicly available in any form, but if anybody feels like taking a gander at the google doc, just shoot me an email joachimheise at gmail dot com. I'll try and keep in touch with you guys periodically, while still jealously watching you all have fun with your cool, time-consuming projects. :P
*EDIT* And yeah, turns out what they thought to be a thingy at the ultrasound must have been a thighbone. Hence "lass".
Gratz dude! Look forward to seeing her on the forums in a few years' time. Guess you could try to hasten that by bringing her up to speak rolepleying as a first language. Wouldn't it be awesome if her first word was... 'awesome'!
Currently promoting (published November 2013) and working on several other games: visit the for details.