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As it says on the tin. The beta version of my new game went up on DriveTHRURPG/RPGNow on Saturday. The print option is £3, and the pdf free. Yes you heard me, absolutely FREE! Obviously it would help me out if folks bought the print version, but I'm happy to make the pdf free so you can tentatively dip your tootsies in the weirdness and see whether they shrivel up into husks or sprout other, bionic, cyber tootsies. Er... ok, forget the metahpors, just order it, yeah?
Currently promoting (published November 2013) and working on several other games: visit the for details.
Regarding the recent release, I've been informed that somehow the cover got left off the pdf. After contacting OBS I've been assured that the file has been amended to include the cover, and the amended file will be resent to all recent purchasers. Any customers who have received the file and are wondering where on Earth the cover's got to, you should be receiving the amended file shortly. Many apologies for any inconvenience caused, and we hope you derive many hours of enjoyment from this product.
Currently promoting (published November 2013) and working on several other games: visit the for details.