For the sake of honestly. Like shit. I've got a lot of negatives in my life with few solution in sight...sorry. I realy need some way to help my self, and haven't found it, so I'm not all that fun to talk to.
Time Fly's like an arrow! Fruit Fly's like a banana!
Sorry to hear it, yeah this has been a tough couple years. I had an old friend show up and tried to help him out. Turned out to just want to parasite off me and my family. Then we had a psychopath show up and terrorize us for a year. Finally got restraining order on him. The family is slowly coming out of shell shock. My job of four years stopped paying regularly and I had to get a new one. I'm not happy with the results but it pays the bills.
I've been laid up for the last week with symptoms very much like COVID-19. Feeling a bit better now. Can't get anyone to test me. It puts me in an awkward position. I'm taking off of work for an extended time, maybe I have the virus and it's a good safety precaution. Maybe I just have the flu. I'll only know if I get these symptoms again.
As for a contest, if people show up and speak up, that would be fun. I know what a number of people that used to frequent here are up to. Some are still active in the larger RPG community but haven't stopped by to say hi.
I think DriveThru RPG has taken over as a distribution point for free (or PWYW) RPGs. Each download gives you a voice to reach out the people that have downloaded your games. The issue I think we all had here was that most of us were designers trying to get attention for our games. What we didn't have was a way to link up with an audience.
Sadly I think that the designers that were here might not have realized that we had a resource we didn't really take advantage of. We could have done a lot for each other that I'm only starting to understand now.
For what it's worth, I feel like we can look back and say that this really has been a resource. Even though we never really had numbers or some of the organization other places have, the quality of interactions have been pretty darn high historically speaking.
Kyle, Head Honcho of Loreshaper Games
I write frequent on game development, storytelling, or life in general, in case you want to follow what I'm up to.
Sorry to hear that you're not doing well, kumakami.
I've been trying to revive these forums, to no avail, but I won't give up without a fight. I like the idea of a rpg design contest, but I'm going to be busy creating my second RPG since this quarantine started. That contest ends on May 10. Please give me a couple of days break, then I'm all yours.
Onix, I hope you're feeling better soon. Covid-19 is no joke, and anything similar to it is pretty serious.
Pop Justice is a superhero game that takes place just a commercial break into the future. The concept of juries was expanded to the entire public, making celebrities almost immune to prosecution. What will it cost you to fight for the Truth when corruption and lies have so many followers?
It was created by Team Shark (Jesse, Sam and Graham) for CODECO 2020.
I'm going to try to submit it here. I expect to be ready for the next design effort (be it a contest or a jam) by Wednesday.
So, it's been a couple days since the end of CODECO, and I've mostly recovered. I've also been kicking around an idea for another themed RPG design jam (like a contest, but no winners) that could be run across many different social media.