I have thought about my game for the competition. It was neat. You have to use tactic to win and it even has some playerempowerment. But there are two thinks I did not like: you die to often and its quite repetitive because nothing changes. The third one is that having a stat at 5 and two low is far better then having them all mediocre because it lowers the damage you take and increases the damage you deal.
This is how I want to change the game:
You roll 3 dice and every success offers you three posibilities: deal one damage, prevent one damage you would take or use a special ability. But you can only use the same scill twice, the thirst die has to be a different skill and at least one of them has to be the enemy skill you attack.
E. g. : If you are a warrior and you want to attack the enemys mind stat at least one die has to be mind. Since force is your highest stat you want to use two dice for force. If you want to attack force you can use two force die but still have to choose a second skill for the third die, maybe its awareness.
This gives you some more options for tactical fights, lowers the mortality and makes the fight a bit less depending on luck.
Raising a stat up to four costs one skillpoint, raising it to five or above costs two. Raising a stat above five still makes you fail if you roll a six, but it raises the defense.
This makes imbalanced characters a bit less overpowered.
After a battle all damage is healed. Nothing is worse than beginning a fight with one HP left.
For two skillpoints you can buy a special ability for your character:
Tank skills:
Guard: You can use success to prevent damage other players would recive
Armour: You have two more Hit Points
Defensive Stance: If you prevent at least one point of damage prevent one point more
Damage Dealer:
Whirlwind: You may deal damage to any enemy stat
Beserker: When activated: You may sacrifice any amount of HP to deal an equal amount of damage
Agressive Stance: If you deal at least one point of damage you deal another point of damage
Healing: You may use a success to heal one point of damage
Resurrect: When activated: Resurect a defeated character with one HP, only once per character and battle
Advanced healing: If you heal at least one point of damage heal another point of damage.
This gives some new options and allows for more character customisation. Makes gives you an alternative to raising a stat beyond five. I think every character should start with a free special skill.
What do you think? Does it improve the game or am I riding a dead horse? Do you have ideas for more skills?
EDIT: I think Against all Evil is a great game to be played by post. Should i change some of the mechanics to represent that?