Presenting, to my knowledge, the only tabletop game made as a pun (and a 24-hour game, to boot!).
FOURS is a simple storytelling system (Fast, Open, Universal Roleplaying System), with a focus on drama and speed. Intended to have a cinematic and dramatic feel, FOURS is designed from the ground up to be simple enough for novices while keeping a simple and interesting flow to it.
As with most of my games right now, it's licensed CC-BY 4.0, and it clocks in at 5000 words and 10 pages, including the cover. The mechanic literally popped into my head last night as a byproduct of the Star Wars soundtrack and a simple question: "Has anyone ever made a d4 based roleplaying game?"
I made a handful of scribbles in my Moleskine notebook (including one point where I wrote "two" as "2wo") and went to bed, planning the game as I fell asleep.
It's an exercise in a couple things, one of which is the creation of a full-art book in Libre Office; while it doesn't have art on any of the text pages, it shows that it is possible to have multiple images overlapping (main logo plus title page), and serves as an exercise in creating something where the format flows nicely into a frame (those columns in the center of the pages are actually done in LibreOffice, while everything else is an imported SVG). It's also another 24-hour game, since I like to make those from time to time to keep sharp. It's also an excuse to write about the Hero's Journey *and* translate it into game mechanics.
And so, without further ado, may the FOURS be with you! ... /FOURS.pdf
EDIT: By the way, expect browser rendering to be problematic. We've got multi-layered SVG's with images overlaid; the front page is garbage in Firefox, and I expect it would be similar in most other browsers.