Interesting idea . . . not sure how I would make it happen though . . .
I've also been thinking (since you mentioned it) of allowing PC's to continue playing after they've
died/perished/KIA'ed . . . allow them to play as Guardian Spirits; like Skinwalkers or Windigos.
This would allow them to assist allies, or hamper enemies while they build enough "something" to
allow their return to the physical realm. (Maybe Karma points?)
Main ability in the Spirit form would be to gift a bonus of 1/2 their skill rank to another PC's roll.
So in the example of Kek . . . he could if an ally was using a War Club . . . boost that character's roll by 2 (ie half his skill rank of 4) when using a War Club.
Each time they successfully help an ally or hinder a foe (apply the bonuses in reverse to foes, so instead of Kek giving a +2 to War Club, he causes a -2 penalty for a foe using a War Club) they gain these "Karma" Points . . .
Build 5 points of "Karma" and get to roll your dice vs a set target number. (maybe 1/2 value of each dye?) 2 success and you return with a -1 to 1 attribute & skills; 3 successes return with no penalties to skills or abilities, 4 successes and you return with +1 bonus to a skill or attribute, 5 successes and you return with a +1 bonus to 2 attributes or skills of your choice?
There'll have to be other benefits for characters to continue as Spirits, and severe penalties for those who die or get themselves killed just to "meta-game" the system.