Hello all! This is my first post in the 1km1kt forums, although I've used the site as a source of free rpgs... and I've wanted to take the 24h rpg challenge for a while (actually, I've done it once already but never published the result). I'm not a game designer, just having fun playing rpgs with friends.
Anyway, when I saw the competition theme, meeting strangers, it was screaming to me "survival horror". Which means I had to try it... So, I've started working on it about 3 hours ago. I can't see something coherent yet, although I've written down quite a bit, hence the lack of a title.
The premise so far is: people start appearing/waking up inside a complex (I know, not very original; I was not aiming for original, though!). They don't know each other. They want to escape, but they must work together to have any chance. For the style, think of movies like The Cube, Alien, Pandorum.
The mechanics... let's jut not go there yet! I'm thinking about a dice pool, but nothing more than this.
Well, let's see where it goes from here. So far I'm a bit overwhelmed with choices and the lack of time. Between job and family, I would be surprised if I get to work on this long enough to have something to present...