Pictures are "ignored" (for my compo); the only way you'll lose or gain for them is if they're literally interspersed throughout and we can't ignore them. A cover image, for instance, is fine (Starguide is only a 72-hour entry because it had three authors). I probably should make that more clear for next year.
Kyle, Head Honcho of Loreshaper Games
I write frequent on game development, storytelling, or life in general, in case you want to follow what I'm up to.
I am not using an image. And I still have one half empty page. I want to fill it. Some sample characters might be good. And maybe some more examples for using atributes out of combat.
I don't care if I win. I fell in love with my game and will play it anyway.
Examples are always nice; I can tell you that at least I rate examples as a number one feature; it's technically a bonus, but it's the biggest bonus you can have.
Kyle, Head Honcho of Loreshaper Games
I write frequent on game development, storytelling, or life in general, in case you want to follow what I'm up to.
Finished. The game is uploaded to 1km1kt. Hopefully it will be posted soon. The charactercreation is so simple even a pile of mud could do it. This is a full charactersheet: Firemage: force 2, awareness 3, mind 4. The rules light character creation is needed because your characters will die quite often. You could describe it as Dungeons and dragons meeting Game of Thrones. what I like most is that you could even play it alone or as play by post.