I've just finished editing Chapter 1 (intro and char gen) and it feels GOOD! A little milestone. I'll read it through again at some point but for now I can sit and be all smug.
I'll be chipping away at Chapter 2 over the next few weeks as life has settled down. I might even set myself a notional deadline (check my [Twitter](https://www.twitter.com/icarrpg) for that) as I know that ticking clock does a lot of good for my timeliness.
The main thing to get started on now is Blender training. Moving off Lightwave is going to take effort but I'm taking a different tack than before. For Lightwave, I would just play with it until it looked just about right. That was cheap in cost but expensive in time; which I don't have anymore.
In Blender I have spent some pocket money and [bought a tutorial series on hard surface modelling](https://blendermarket.com/products/hard ... in-blender), which I'm going to start after this. Exciting stuff!