I am slowly ticking away at Spellwoven in the background. I thought I'd post a small piece of the world map I'm working on for the game (the full map will be five to six times larger). This isn't finished yet. I need to add names and forest, and the rivers are sort of rubbish and need work. Anyway, there is a cut down version below and a link to a full size version.
The aim is to eventually make a very large map that wanders away into deserts and jungles and enchanted islands all sorts of interesting places so that the Players can wander widely if they so desire.
If you're curious, I've been working on the map using the map making tutorial posted by pasis in the Cartographer's Guild forum. Very helpful document, in case you would like to make a map in Photoshop.
(looks like my 'small' version is still too big and is being cut. Click on it and open the image in another tab if you want to see it)

Link to the full sized image (hosted off site)