Grimlip De'Feet was the fifth son of Count Riptongue De'Feet.
With no hope of inheriting anything from his father the bullied, belittled and despised yougest sibling was a bitter little fool. Which is a strong statement to make about a goblin. Bitterness and foolishness were the least of his shortcomings.
The ugly little goblin was a near outcast of his family. He rued the day his brothers were born; 7,4,3 and 2 seconds before him.
Revenge will be his. He'll show the family that the sewerlands are rightfully his. If they're too shortsighted to see it, that's not his fault. He'll stop at nothing to sieze them back.
two things 1) THE DAMN PARTS LISTS ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111oneoneone 2) my net is down at home (doing this at work) so it will be sometime at the end of the week that I'll post mr. De'Feet
Time Fly's like an arrow! Fruit Fly's like a banana!
Head:Doll Your head looks like it belongs on an expensive porcelain Doll. Cute and creepy, a Goblin for all seasons. *Think:4, Sense:3, +1 nice social skills, +1 to all mean social skills.
Torso:Old salt Your body looks like it’s been at the bottom of the sea or a ship for the last 4 years. It’s wrinkly, old colored, and covered in barnacle like calluses. You are a goblin sex god! *tough:2, +2 to goblin seduction rolls
Arms: Night-lightmare You're one scary goblin, your arms are muscular, Imposing, and Glow brightly like they are radioactive! While the only way you can sneak around is if your wearing long think sleeves, you seem to be a wiz at hurting those who get in your way. *Strong:4, +3 to attack skill (players choice), must cover arms completely in order to hide (if you don't its an automatic failure...not that your character knows that)
Hands:spiked but flexible Your hands are covered in a flexible shell or scales. You can use them well and they help in a fight. *Grace:3, +1 Intimidate rolls, +1 punch damage
Legs: Red Asphalt Some how your legs seem to be made of painted metal, concrete, and awesome! Like The gods of some motorcycle gang built your why do you want whisky? *speed:4, + 4 Drunk skill.
Feet: Tenti- Pad for some wonderful reason you don't have feet, you have a tentacle like foot pad. It lacks the suction cups, but man is it creepy *stand: 1, +4 Intimidate skill.
wow man...just wow
Time Fly's like an arrow! Fruit Fly's like a banana!