This makes the two stats really succulent and as such, the players tend to get down to the dreaded 5 pretty quickly. It also means that they're more willing to take risks because they have that safety net of a re-roll or additional dice. They normally buy it back with AP as taking time out is not really in their style.
Sometimes, though, this is not enough. Byrnie was trying to roll for... it's slipped my mind. He need 2 successes (normal difficulty), so tried a Lucidity for a re-roll, which wasn't good enough. He tried burning a deadening for another 2 dice and still failed and then a lucidity to re-roll all five. Here he is, 2 lucidity and 1 deadening lighter:

How we laughed!
I'd consider adding the re-roll in for lucidity because most of our characters don't have much of it!