is a cowboy-themed RPG which centers on what cowboys do best, at least in the movies: staring down the villain in the black hat, waiting for him to twitch, and then being fast on the draw. You’re the guys (or gals) who clean up bad towns.
Featuring six pages of simple rules, a starter setting for gameplay, a simple core mechanic for telling dramatic, character-based stories, a tense, edge-of-your-seat system for high-drama shootouts, and theme-appropriate game materials like poker cards and chips instead of character sheets, "Big Hearts in Big Country" is quick to pick up and play, and focuses on telling stories that would make Sergio Leone or Sam Peckinpah proud.
Okay, so that's the elevator pitch. Big Hearts in Big Country is my entry for the competition using the theme "Cowboys with big hearts." It represents about 7 hours of work (there's no way I'd get 24 hours straight to work on a game!), and there are a few things I didn't manage to get in that I wanted to, but at least I think someone could pick it up and play it as-is.
Some things I'd like to have added:
* Examples of advantages, disadvantages, and cover in the context of the sample setting. More details on rewards and penalties for interacting with the people in the town.
* Example of play that includes a gunfight.
* More personalities for the town, and a map.
* A sample adventure, but I figured the sandbox thing was safer given the time constraints.
* More source material for coming up with characters, since this is a character-centric game.
* More artwork. I found 3 nice CC-licensed photos on Flickr and went with them.
* Better, more attractive page layout. The current layout is okay, but it's nothing too special, either.
Anyway, hope you enjoy it. Please let me know what you think!