I just tried out the demo for the game. Graphics are eh. Gameplay is eh. It doesn't seem to have anything to set it apart from other RTS. It may be just because it's a demo... but overall I am unimpressed.
Germany:Strong Industry: gets $18 to start with in order to do their per-game pruchase. The Allies stay with $12.
Luftwaffe: In any attack where a German armor and fighters participate- the armor upgrades its attack to a "4." This functions just like the "upgrade" artillery give to infantry but only fuctions on a 1:1 ratio of fighters to armor. Thus, if an attack features 3 German armor and 2 german fighters... only 2 of the armor get the upgraded attack.
Russia: Impressed Troops: Can create infantry outside of factories. In these cases, the Russian player can create infantry yp to the IPC value of the region. Thus, if a region is worth 2 IPCs, the Russian player can create 2 infantry per turn on that section. This special ability is only available in Russian "home territories" ie: Dark red. (not pink).
UK: Partiasns: At the beginning of the UK turn, they may roll a die. If it comes up anything but a 1 the UK player may place a free infantry piece on any core German territory (light brown).
US: Paratroopers: The U.S. may purchase paratroopers. For $5 the US player gets an paratrooper unit (that must be represented differently than normal American infantry). The stats for the unit are 1 on attack, 2 on defence. The special ability for the Paratrooper is to "jump" 2 spaces. The paratrooper may cross any terrain in their "jump" and are only involved in combat in the territory they land in. However, if the paratrooper "jumps" through or into a region defended by a AA Gun, the defending player may use the gun as normal. Paratroopers count as aircraft for the purposes of being destroyed in the AA firing round. Thus, paratroopers may not make it to their depolyed position if they "jump"- though they may move like normal infantry and avoid being shot at by AA.