Contact Us
You’ve got Questions, We’ve got Monkeys.
Do you want to 1KM1KT to host your contest? Do you have a suggestion to improve this site? Want to know a little more about what we do? Have a general question and don’t know where to go?
Submit your work
If you have a piece you want published:
- Please have a look at our submission and guidelines sections.
- Send it in using the form below.
If your work is incomplete or unfinished, consider posting to the forum for peer review.
Be sure to sign up for our RSS feed for real-time updates of new games and submissions as well as our newsletter for special announcements.
If you are contributing work, please include:
- Your full name for author credit
- The title of your work
- An attachment (preferably in .pdf format)
- A description of your project as you would like it to appear on the project landing page