1KM1KT accepts open submissions of all types, but requests that they be limited to the written and artistic genres of role-playing, fantasy and science fiction. If you feel your work would be a valuable addition to our site, please send it in for consideration. The 1KM1KT publishing group will make all final determinations regarding the content of this site.
Please refer to the submissions section of this website to read about the benefits of submitting to 1KM1KT.
If possible, please submit work in .pdf format along with a 25 to 5 word description via our contact page.
If you are unable to submit a file in .pdf format, we’ll try to create one for you containing contact information for our website. We can work with files in .txt, .doc, .wpd, .gif, and .jpg format.
If you want to your contact information listed along with your work, please tell us in your email.
Smaller articles and reviews may be submitted via e-mail or our submissions form
1KM1KT maintains an RSS/XML feed and encourages outside websites to syndicate its contents. Authors contributing work to 1KM1KT grant permission for 1KM1KT to syndicate their work via the RSS/XML feed.
All work submitted with sufficient copyright information will remain the property of its creator. Applicable copyright information must be listed on your work to claim intellectual property rights. 1KM1KT will not be responsible for listing copyright information if it is not included in the original submission.
Authors submitting work acknowledge that 1KM1KT will take part in promotional efforts on their behalf. We encourage reciprocal linking, forum participation, teaser postings, and direct advertising of the work contained in this site on outside websites and in other media.
Work submitted may be formatted, sized, altered, or reproduced in .pdf format to make it acceptable for publication on the internet.
While we maintain an open submission policy, work containing subject matter that is illegal, lewd, or malicious will be returned to the owner.
1KM1KT assumes that all submissions are original and will direct concerns regarding copyrighted material to the original submitter. The owners of this web site will not be held responsible for the reproduction of posted content in the public domain or for the unauthorized distribution of original work downloaded from this site
Submission of work constitutes acceptance of these terms.