Anarktica: Fate of Heroes
It is the year 1899 and the world is in the grip of the Great Game as Victoria, the Everqueen of the British Empire, duels with the North Tsar of Russia for global supremacy.
Despite Tsarist advances in Central Asia, the British conquests of Afghanistan and Sudan have given them the upper hand. But now the Scryers of the Court of St. James foretell the emergence of the greatest threat to the Empire since the demon Napoleon a century before.
A new power is rising from beyond the realms of the human nations, from the uncharted lands at the base of the world. The frozen continent of Anarktica.
Anarktica: Fate of Heroes is a steampunk story game. It is completely free to download, to reproduce and distribute. It tells the story of a group of four heroes, their journey across the land of Anarktica, and their encounters with its inhabitants, creatures, monsters and mysteries. Outwardly brave and resolute, each hero is saddled with a terrible secret that tears at their soul and taints their trust in their companions until finally they encounter the Adversary and their true nature is revealed.
It’s a low prep, quick playing scenario based on the Archipelago 2nd edition rule-set by Matthijs Holter and inspired by its gaming offspring Love in the Time of Seið by Matthijs Holter and Jason Morningstar. It requires five players and should take three to five hours.
Tags: Epistolary Richard