Hi/Lo Heroes

Hi/Lo Heroes is a role playing game set in a city of costumed heroes. In role playing games, players imagine that they are the heroes in a great interactive adventure story. One player, the Game Master helps to provide the backdrop for the story and takes the roles of Villains and Normals that the other players (called Heroes) will meet and interact with.

Author’s Note: “Hi/Lo Heroes” is a more developed version of my EZ Supers 24 Hour RPG submission.

Wow! Hero City! I can?t believe that I finally here! Hero City!

This is so exciting! I keep looking up… up in the sky… trying to catch a glimpse of Double Shot or Atomic… Wow! Hero City!!

Oh… I know it wasn?t always called ?Hero City.? The name was changed when the first costumed heroes appeared to fight crime. You remember? Sure ya do! This is your home town. I?m the tourist here.,. But hey… did you hear that? Was that a cry for help?

What? You have to go? Sure, sure! Sorry that you have to rush off like this.., it was nice talking… Whoa… she sure left in a hurry.

Wow! Hero City! I can?t believe that I?m finally here!


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