
Print out your sheet, pick up your dice, and prepare to play! SoloQuest is a solitaire RPG that requires only the use of a d8, a d2, a pencil and eraser. It consists of just one page, on which you can find both the rules and sections for recording your character’s statistics. With just these tools and a little imagination you can randomly generate a set of challenges to overcome!

SoloQuest assumes a fantasy setting, with the inclusion of witches, guardsmen, familiars, and a set of magick skills for your character to learn. While the rules generate the adventure, it is up to you to “join the dots”. If you meet a witch more than once, is it the same one? What is her interest in your character? Why did your familiar agree to join you? Exactly who is this criminal the guardsmen keep mistaking you for? Is he one of the enemies you’ll fight later? The rules are just words on a page, the true game goes on in your head: Only you can create the story.

Consider expanding on the rules on the page to add to your experience. You might randomly determine if an enemy has a magick skill (probably excluding resurrect). Initial enemies probably only have 1 rank in that skill, with more powerful enemies having additional ranks or several magick abilities. Perhaps you can find and buy amulets or potions of vigour, increasing your Health beyond 1 (to a maximum of 15, perhaps). Further skills are more than possible, and may be the focus of add-on sheets.

Above all, have fun!

How to Play: You need a d8 and d2. Print out this sheet. Name your character. Assign 5 points split between Attributes, and 3 between Skills. Generate adventures by rolling on the Encounter table, then rolling on the indicated table. Repeat. Each encounter equals 1 experience point (exp). Spend exp to add additional ranks to Attributes and Skills. Attribute ranks cost 2 exp x rank (to increase from rank 1 to 2 you would spend 4 exp). Skills cost 1 ? rank. Print out additional sheets for allies and familiars. Allies gain exp only for encounters they take part in. You have 1 Health, which are healed after all encounters with the exception of traps. In combat roll d8, if you roll lower than the enemy?s Defense – your Strength, reduce their Health by 1. Enemies attack you similarly. Each turn you must decide whether to use a Melee or Ranged attack (see Skills.You may have no more than 3 Allies, and only 1 Familiar.


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