If you’re running a contest and want 1KM1KT to host the submissions, please let us know. We’re currently hosting submissions for the 24 Hour RPG project and for the Game Chef project, but we’re happy to host other competitions as well. Contact us today to host your competition!
And the Winner is:
Tuesday, August 1st, 2006When you see the entries, we think you will agree that it is the most interesting and appealing submission. Rob has been associated with 1km1kt almost from the beginning and has been a very active member of the forums. His handy work in presenting StickPirate really shows and part of the reason his submission stands out so much is the time and effort he obviously put into, not only the setting, but also the presentation of StickPirate.
Now, there is the obligatory congratulation to everyone that entered. More than obligatory though, we want to honestly thank all who entered for taking the time and effort to put a StickGuy setting together. This is the first undertaking like this that we have done, and we consider it a success specifically because of the quality of the entries. So, to everyone who entered but did not win- thanks. We owe you all a beer (maybe at GenCon next year, perhaps?).
If anyone is wondering, even though the contest is done, 1km1kt is always (ALWAYS) going to accept more StickGuy settings. We know a number of you got through a portion of the setting but were not able to complete it in time for the deadline and there are those who have talked about a setting or two but haven’t put it to paper yet. There will always be room for more StickGuy settings and we encourage you, if at all interested, to send them on in to us.
Expect more competitions like this in the future. This was a good deal of fun for us at 1km1kt and we would like to make it a bit of a tradition to hold contests to help promote more creativity.
and to Rob, we give you a hearty Arrr. The check is in the mail.
Keeton Harrington and Chris Gunning
The Entries
Thanks again to everyone who entered!
SuperStick submitted by Frank Sronce.
StickColumbia submitted by Henry Linder (chimerical_brio).
Out in the Sticks submitted by Matt Steflik.
Stickpirate submitted by Rob Lang (Rob Lang).
Deceased Divinity submitted by Alka Seltzer.
StickGuy, the Roleplaying Game Setting Contest Rules
Thursday, April 21st, 2005Official Results of the StickGuy Setting Contest
Submission to the StickGuy setting contest constitutes acceptance of the 1KM1KT Submission Guidelines
You do NOT talk about Fight Club.
Submissions must be at least 1, words and use the StickGuy Roleplaying Game rules-set as the basis for the setting. There is no maximum word count.
The more creative and fun the setting is, the better. Seriously, have some fun writing for StickGuy. The judges are setting junkies.
A setting should include a list of factions (if any), associated new rules or rules tweaks, and background – lots and lots of background. Character examples are also a definite bonus, but not a requirement. Art and maps are welcomed as well (just remember to keep it in the StickGuy mood). Make sure that any art you submit is your own work or that you co-submit with the permission of the artist. There is a good chance your submission will be posted at some point on 1km1kt.net after the competition is closed and we would all like to avoid those nasty copyright questions.
There?s no crying in baseball.
Please submit your setting as a .doc, .rtf, html, or .txt file. Pictures may be submitted in .gif and .jpg formats.
Send your submissions, questions, and artwork to stickguy@1km1kt.net
The 1KM1KT Forum is an excellent place to seek advice or ask questions about StickGuy Roleplaying Game.
Multiple submissions are A-OK.
Multiple authors are OK as well. In the case of multiple authors/artists, please indicate a primary author for your submission. Understand that only the person listed as the primary author will be eligible for the prize should your submission be selected as the winner.
Please make sure the idea you submit is your own.
The final winner will win US $4 which will be sent via PayPal. Winners must have an active Paypal account to receive their prize.
The deadline for submissions is August 31, 2004. The final winner will be announced on September 6th, 2004. Should there be an overwhelming need to change these dates, 1KM1KT reserves the right to change the dates of the final submission and announcement of winner with at least 1 week public notice.
1KM1KT is conducting this contest in good faith with the hope of garnering some fun and creative additions to StickGuy the rpg. Contestants are asked to participate accordingly.
1KM1KT reserves the right to edit all submissions prior to publication.