Bloodworks is a generic RPG designed to create conflicted characters for a variety of genres. Though generic, Bloodworks is designed to be flavorful and to provide a character a constant threat–his own “dark side.”
Vitally, there are two parts to each character: his Face and his Bane. A character’s Face is what is usually seen in the game; it’s every part of the character that he has worked on or picked up, his skills, occupation, and niche. A character’s Bane is the part of him that tries to hold him back.
Each character occupies a distinct niche in the game, his/her Title. A Title implies something about the character; it should explain some of what he can do and his background. A good Title would be The Runaway Girl. The Title tells us what we need to know–the biggest factor in her background and perhaps some of her skills. It’s slightly binding, but not too much. A poor Title would be The Fighter. “Fighter” is too general to be effective; a better Title would be The Barroom Brawler, The Jaded Gunman, or The Alleyway Knifer.
- Bloodworks.pdf
Tags: Jacob X