FLAG: Fictional Lands Adventure Game

A game that never was… I got two pages into making notes for a fast and simple RPG I was going to release but felt that I had gone into too much detail. I dropped it in favour of my much simpler SKETCH system.

I’ve now dug it out, added some more notes and done a bit of fleshing out, and I’m presenting it to the RPG community to see what they think. It was desgined as a simple and fast game, but I also wanted a sense of advancement in the characters so I added a basic experience and career system. It was based around generic fantasy. Have a look, see what you think, and get back to me if you think it’s worth delving into some more. With the vast amount of fantasy-based RPGs out there, some of which are trying to recapture the ‘golden age’ of dungeon-bash RPGs, I felt it wasn’t worth adding yet another one to the long growing list

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3 Responses to “FLAG: Fictional Lands Adventure Game”

  1. Blaquesaber Says:

    I’ll have to take a look at this. What is the “Sketch” system you talked about?

  2. Jonathan Hicks Says:

    SKETCH is a dead simple game I created for on-the-fly adventures – you can download it for free from http://www.farsightgames.com, along with a few campaign setting documents.

  3. Sheikh Jahbooty Says:

    Rolling for attributes will undoubtedly annoy the hell out of me. You roll d20, but only count rolls from 5 to 15. That’s only 11 values. You have to roll on average 8 times to get acceptable values for those 4 stats, and sometimes you will roll and roll and roll and roll and roll and roll always getting too high or too low. And what are they good for anyway? Strength gives you hit points but the others are never mentioned again.

    I suggest make the roll for attributes 2d6+3. This gives exactly 5 to 15 with a bit more likely to be 10.

    And then add something to this game that makes attributes worth having, otherwise just skip having attributes altogether and give everyone 4d20 skill points (without rerolling every other roll).