Rage, Precognition, Grace
So I am sitting around with some new friends. They are non-gamers. They are normal type folks who have heard about the “evils” of D&D, and they really don’t know anything about gaming. They do know that I love gaming and talk about it often. So, they asked me to run a game for them. Suddenly I was daunted! How do you run a role-playing game for someone new without overwhelming them with the detail? Have you ever tried showing the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Players Handbook to a completely uninitiated player? It’s scary.
I thought, “I can do this. We’ll just start playing and I will introduce them to rules as we go along.” To make sure things were kept simple, I jotted down a few notes on a piece of spiral bound notebook paper and we started to play. I created the game on the fly incorporating a number of concepts borrowed from other games (mine or others) and we played. As we played I would explain how things worked and introduce concepts. I kept the number of different concepts small and the game play simple. The end result was excellent and fun was had by all. More than I was expecting, as the friends insisted that I come back the next day to play again.
The next day at work I set about typing up the “rules” I had introduced to my new players. I worked at clarifying and cleaning up a few inconsistencies as I put the rules to paper. The collection of rules were small and manageable enough that I was pretty sure I could get them all on one page, and I set about formatting them identically to the HEX solo-RPG that I had done, putting character sheet and rules all together in one place.
The result is “RPG” the one-page fantasy role-playing game, and I am very happy with it. It is proving to be very functional in play-testing and I believe it to be an ideal way to introduce the uninitiated to the world of Fantasy Role-Playing.
For my players I went ahead and created the characters for them and just started them playing. I explained rules as they came up and just allowed everything to “happen” while we played. It was excellent.
Roll Initiative (1d6+ Precognition) This determines who goes first.
On your turn, Move up to your Speed and then attack, or move 2x your Speed.
To Attack roll 2d6+ Rage for Swords or other close combat weapons if you are next to an enemy.
Roll 2d6+ Grace for Bows or other ranged combat weapons if you are not next to any enemies.
If you did not move or attack you can cast a spell. Roll 2d6+ Precognition to Cast a Spell.
If your 2d6 roll plus your Aspect equals 8 or more, you succeed.
Damage is based on the Weapon or Spell. Damage is reduced by the Defense of the Target.
- Rage_Precognition_Grace.pdf
Tags: Jeff Moore
June 2nd, 2011 at 8:44 am
Dang, this looks really good. I’ll have to pull it out on my group.
September 20th, 2012 at 8:42 pm
I played rpgs for about 20 years, the last year I’ve been testing a lot of minimal systems, and with no doubt, this is the best of all, fast, flexible and smart.
Only one question, you talk about experience points, how to spend it on classes, for example, but… how do you assign these points? There´s no concrete rule about it and I’ll be very pleased if you can explain your concept.
Thanks a lot & good work