Serpentine Thunder

Serpentine Thunder is a game about dragons facing the arrival of guns in a Late Medieval world. it is a submission for the November 25 Ronnies.

You are a dragon, a creature of awe and fear. Men have tried to kill you, but it takes guts to try, since even in sleep, your breath is deadly and your scales are thick. Your kind has also insinuated yourselves into human society to better control these dangerous mammals; it’s not just a matter of metaphor that leads monarchs and emperors to use the dragon as a royal symbol.

But a new era has come, and brings with it something new. The Gun.

Serpentine Thunder is a roleplaying game set in the age of the early gun. Men fear dragons and would kill them if they had the chance ? and with a cannon crew or a band of men armed with muskets, they have that chance. Dragons can no longer rely on the awe they inspire in men bred over generations to fear their power; they must decide how they are going to face this new era.


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