Elizabeth Shoemaker Sampat


Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

You are:
– Female.
– Hot.
– Broke.

You have:
– A computer.
– High-speed Internet.
– A webcam.

Welcome to the wonderful, wild world of amateur softcore porn. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to cajole Marks into buying you presents from your Amazon wishlist for the least amount of personal investment and physical depravity possible— while not letting it affect your real life.

Written for Round 3 of the 2011 Ronnies, using ingredients Amazon and Lust.

They Became Flesh

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Lucifer and one third of the host have been cast from Heaven for questioning God. God has appeared to the fledgling species, mankind, and told them to beware demons and false prophets with wings as black as tar. The fallen angels, who loved humanity best, dig in to help a world they love, who hates them.

Many of the third have been killed. This is the story of those that are left.