Battle Royale

You play as a version of yourself, pretty much. you start the process with 3 creation points. first off you pick a body type,then you pick some features. then you purchase some skills, maybe get some points by giving your character disadvantages. Please be semi realistic on what you start with as skills (because I doubt a highschooler would be a skilled gunfighter/hacker/ninja/marine). and be sure to put in some sort of backstory.


This game requires 2+ players, one of them is the DeathMaster(DM). More players makes the game alot more interesting. This game will require ALOT of NPCs.However, it is NOT needed to make a individual sheet for every one of them. as the DM can wing it for what they can do. but if you feel like it, fine, create a shitload of character sheets. The character system was designed mainly to support alot of characters. That and these are highschool students, not heros.

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