
A role-playing game of blood and sweat pain and hope. Contenders is a rpg dealing with the shady and painful world of boxing. Each player takes on the role of a contender, a pugilist trying to overcome his pain and fight his way out of the gutter. This is a submission for the ronnies 2, taking inspiration from Pain and Fight.

My vision returns at the count of five, I taste blood, my blood. The roar of the crowd is deafening, they want more. They always want more.

More blood, more pain.

I?m kneeling as the ref gets to seven, I can see in his eyes that he doesn’t expect me to get up. Why would I?

Face more pain.

Now I see her, in the front row, tears black with mascara streaming down her face, I?m drawn to the eyes, deep pools, reflecting the pain.

My pain.

The moment seems to last an eternity. I needed that, that reminder of hope. This is for you babe!

Bring the pain.

I?m on my feet again at nine. The ref hesitates for a split second.

?Ok, box!?

Now feel the pain?


One Response to “Contenders”

  1. The MULRAH Tournament for Best Free GM-less Story/Role-Playing Game « The Dead Dog Cafe 2.4 Says:

    […] replace if they want to run their own version of the tournament. Other games to consider would be Contenders, Drowning & Falling, Mexican Standoff, and Tier II unpublished games. Possibly related posts: […]