Cyberpunk Revival Entry (Cyberpunk Remix)

This game is about a world that might be if we aren’t careful, a world were everything is a lot weirder, where people’s brains can be hacked, mutant rats build temples to Mickey Mouse in the sewers, cranky droids run shops and complain about the old days, and your hippy mom’s new hobby involves genetic sequencing new breeds of mutant flowers. And it’s a world where people have to fit in, are desperate to fit in, because if they don’t, they get kicked out and don’t have rights anymore.

Your character has never fit in. This means two things. Your character is always in trouble. And your character is significant to the world he lives in. People notice your character, for good or ill.


6 Responses to “Cyberpunk Revival Entry (Cyberpunk Remix)”

  1. smith Says:

    Sounds really fun and interesting, but the *.zip only has pretty print-outs – no rulebook anywhere in sight! Help! What do I do?! Oh god, the panic is setting in . . .

  2. Sheikh Jahbooty Says:


    The PDF contains…

    a 27 page role playing game,
    a page of 9 playing card backs with crop marks,
    4 pages of pre-filled out card faces,
    and a 1 page character sheet.

  3. smith Says:

    Oops. Panic averted. The “screen” *.pdf was just -very- poorly named.
    Back to cyberpunkan!

  4. Sheikh Jahbooty Says:

    Oh crap, you’re right.

    I was going to have a “screen” document and a “saddle stitch” document for printing out double sided, folding and stapling together (so now you also know why there’s so much space between the columns), but then I didn’t have the time or energy before the contest deadline, so then I was going to rename the screen document before I submitted, and bla bla bla bla…

    At this point I would have to bug Keeton to have it changed, so rather than bug him twice, I’ll just bug him when the saddle stitch version is done.

  5. admin Says:

    It’s no problem. I have a bunch of other games to post today anyway – just send me an email with the changes. Keeton

  6. The final entries to the Cyberpunk Revival Project « Blog of a new RPGer Says:

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