
Hierarchy is a game for large groups of people. It is set in a psuedo-Japanese world where the Emporer and his lords constantly jostle for control of the empire. All players are responsible to be GM’s at some point and take the risk of putting thier honor on the line. This game was a submission in the Ronny Award Contest of October 25 run by Adept Press.

Hierarchy is an engaging roleplaying game for groups of 8 to 15 people. It is set in a very pseudo-Japanese fantasy world where the Emperor reigns with iron authority, but is always in danger of being usurped. The key to Hierarchy is conflict. If you can overcome the obstacles you put before yourself, then you will advance and win the game. To win, you must become the undisputed Emperor of Fhen (the world in which this game is set). Conflict and contention are built heavily into this game. The player who helps you one moment, will turn on you the next. Danger and heroism lurk around every corner.


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