I Play Games!
The game simulates some of the plot from BOGGY CREEK II: AND THE LEGEND CONTINUES a movie that can normally only be survived by watching it as an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3. The legend of the Fouke Monster aka the Big Foot of Arkansas aka the Creature continues and continues in the movies and you just want it all to end. The RPG took the hokey events of the movie and turned them into a “serious” game with out the humor of MST3K or the flaws that made the movie worthy of an MST3K episode. In the game, you want the search for the Creature to continue as you explore Murky County,gaining bonuses.This is because meeting the Creature is deadly, especially if you aren’t “prepared” with the various bonuses. Most of the places you search in Murky County will either send you on further along your search, present danger or provide opportunity and sometimes all of these. Many places are different depending on whether it is day or night. This increases both the amount of possible play and the length of time you could play this single page with out getting bored or seeing the same things happen.
Murky County’s creator, Errin Famiglia, is a prolific game designer on 1k1mkt.net and the person responsible for The Character Sheet Is The RPG Challenge II 27. The one page game is growing into a new cutting edge genre of role playing games, and solo RPG games, such as THE CREATURE OF MURKY COUNTY RPG definitely have a place in it.
Here is my play records for two games:
Play Record 1
Physical 6 Mental 6 Spiritual 4 Class: Professor
Status: wounded twice, horrified
1 roll 3 Lone Stretch Of Road, roll 3 day, roll 4
2 roll 3 Lone Stretch of Road, roll 6 night, roll 6 Creature Encounter
Creature Encounter:
roll 3 + Physical 6 = 9 < 11 I am wounded, roll 6 + Mental 6 the Creature is Outsmarted, roll 4 + Spiritual 4 = 8 I am Horrified
3 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 3 night, roll 5
4 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 1 Murky Creek Swamplands, I don’t camp here overnight
5 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 1 day, roll 4
6roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 4 The River Bottoms, roll 6 Creature Encounter
Creature Encounter: roll 3 + Physical 6 = 9 < 11 I am wounded for the second time, so I lost.
Play Record 2
Physical 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 final 8 Mental 4 + 2 + 1 =final 7 Spiritual 6 + 1 = final 7 Class: Professor
Status: wounded, stop being wounded, horrified no longer horrified,
1 roll 3 Lone Stretch Of Road, roll 4 day, roll 2
2 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 5, Old Man Crenshaw’s Place, roll 1 I am wounded
3 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 4 night, roll 3
4 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 5 Old Man Crenshaw’s Place, roll 2
5 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 5, Post Ofï¬ce, roll a die the next time
6 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 2 Murky Creek Swamplands, camp here overnight, roll 3
7 roll 5 Murky Creek, roll 6 The Creature’s Den, roll 5
8 roll 5 Murky Creek, roll 4 The River Bottoms, roll 5
9 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 2 General Store
1 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 3 The River Bottoms, roll 1, roll 4 + 1 physical
11 roll 2 The Town Of Murky, roll 1 Local Library, roll 3, Physical + 1
12 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 1 day, roll 5
13 roll 5 Murky Creek, roll 3 The River Bottoms, roll 5
14 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 5 Post Ofï¬ce, roll 6 Mental + 2, no more bonus here
15 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 3 The River Bottoms, roll 1, roll 4 < 6, Physical + 1
16 roll 2 The Town Of Murky ,roll 3 Police Station, roll 6 Search Old Man Crenshaw’s Place instead.
16 Search Old Man Crenshaw’s Place roll 6 search The Creature’s Den instead,The Creature’s Den roll 6
16 Creature Encounter: roll 4 + Physical 7 = 11, I end the Encounter
17 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 2 Murky Creek Swamplands, camp here overnight, roll 1 Physical + 1
18 roll 1 The Town Of Murky, roll 4 Doctor’s Ofï¬ce I stop being wounded
19 roll 4 Desolate Farmhouse, roll 3 night, roll 4
2 roll 3 Lone Stretch Of Road, roll 5 night, roll 6 Creature Encounter roll 5 + Physical 7 = 12 the Creature is beaten, roll 6 + Mental 6 the Creature is outsmarted, roll 4 + Spiritual 6 = 1 I am horrified
21 roll 1 The Town Of Murky,roll 6 Old Church I am no longer horrified
22 roll 2 The Town Of Murky, roll 3 Police Station,roll 4 search Desolate Farmhouse instead,
22 roll 5 night, roll 1,roll 4 < 6 Spiritual + 1
23 roll 6 Murky Creek, roll 5 Old Man Crenshaw’s Place, roll 4 Physical + 1 Mental + 1 Spiritual + 1, no more bonus here
24 roll 6 Murky Creek,roll 6 The Creature’s Den,roll 1 Creature Encounter
24 Creature Encounter roll Creature Encounter roll 6 + Physical 8 = 14 the Creature is beaten, roll 6 + Mental 7 = 13 the Creature is outsmarted, roll 5 + Spiritual 7 = 12 the Creature is dominated Victory!
The longer you survive in Murky County, the better your chances of gaining the sometimes required bonuses to beat the Creature. The higher your scores are the more likely it is that you can take advantage of an opportunity to gain bonuses.The Creature, Old Man Crenshaw and other dangers through out the game add a strong element of risk.The Creature is a powerful and elusive boss type since it takes above average scores in all areas obtained through game play to beat, outsmart and finally dominate the Creature, while as the Creature can easily wound,traumatize and horrify you with each failed rolled.
the game is copyright by Errin Famiglia, this review is copyright 27 John Lennon Goodwin, but please feel free to copy or repost unmodified