Adventures in the 41st Millennium puts you behind the gun in battle against hordes of enemies, or in a planet doomed by anarchy and run by gangs.
This game runs on the original Dungeon Squad System and brings the Warhammer 40,000 Universe to life as your party tries to survive the mass combat of the 41st Millennium.
In this First Edition, you can play as Imperial Guard, Space Marines or the people who inhabit Home Worlds across the vast stars. Note that while Imperial Guard and Space Marines may fight in huge battles, Home World characters fight in gang warfare or live the lives of regular inhabitants of one of four worlds: Imperial World, Hive World, Feral World and Void Born.
This game is sure to bring an exciting world of fun and entertainment; now, it’s up to you to take your weapon and head out. Are you ready?
This is a Role Playing Game set in the futuristic nightmare of Warhammer 40,000 and this game comes off the hinges of the wonderful creation by Jason Morningstar, Dungeon Squad. Creators Neuicon and Sean Daniels have delved into the world of 40,000 when they were introduced to Dark Heresy (the official Role Playing Game of Warhammer 40,000), and quickly fell in love with it. Neuicon, having played Dungeon Squad, opted for something simple and fun to get those interested in Warhammer 40,000 into
gameplay using an exciting system, designed to entertain you and keep you on the edge of your seat!
This game comes off the release of Starcraft: Tactical Miniatures Combat, where you command skirmish-sized squads into battle against your foes! The fun of that game has helped in the inspiration to continue releasing new, fun and awesome games available to everyone!